Redisson - Redis Java客户端,是架设在Redis基础上的一个Java驻内存数据网格(In-Memory Data Grid)。充分的利用了Redis键值数据库提供的一系列优势,基于Java实用工具包中常用接口,为使用者提供了一系列具有分布式特性的常用工具类。使得原本作为协调单机多线程并发程序的工具包获得了协调分布式多机多线程并发系统的能力,大大降低了设计和研发大规模分布式系统的难度。同时结合各富特色的分布式服务,更进一步简化了分布式环境中程序相互之间的协作。
Pluggable foundation blocks for building distributed apps.
Redis for humans. 🌎🌍🌏
An implementation of the Redlock algorithm in C#
Redlock is a redis-based distributed lock implementation in Ruby. More than 20M downloads.
翻译 - Redlock是Ruby中基于Redis的分布式锁实现
A distributed sync package.
Unique jobs for ActiveJob. Ensure the uniqueness of jobs in the queue.
Lockgate is a cross-platform distributed locking library for Go. Supports distributed locks backed by Kubernetes or HTTP lock server. Supports conventional OS file locks.
Seamlessly prevent duplicate executions of celery tasks
在大型游戏中经常使用分布式,分布式中因为游戏逻辑会经常游戏事务,借助redis特性我们可以实现分布式锁和分布式事务。很多redis集群不支持redis的事务特性。 这个框架用来解决分布式服务器下redis集群事务失效的情况下,基于分布式锁完成分布式事务。支持独占锁,共享锁,读写锁,并且支持事务提交失败情况下的回滚操作,让开发者可以有更多时间侧重游戏逻辑.
A dead simple distributed locking library for Node.js and Etcd
Hiqlite - highly-available, embeddable, raft-based SQLite + cache
a redisson like distributed redis lock, support watchdog、reentrant lock, implement by go
Distributed locks with "prioritized lock acquisition queue" capabilities based on the Redis Database. Provides flexible invocation flow, parametrized time limits, instrumentation, logging, etc.
Redlock Redis-based distributed locks implementation in .Net
Yet another distributed coordination service for distributed applications based on Raft inspired by consul, only depend on slf4j and rocksdb-jni. The project is currently in an early stage of developm...