TIC-80 is a fantasy computer for making, playing and sharing tiny games.
翻译 - TIC-80是一款幻想电脑,用于制作,玩和共享小游戏。
Rust library to create a Good Game Easily
从零编写游戏引擎教程 Writing a game engine tutorial from scratch
Enhanced version of the HLDS engine with bug fixes, security patches, and optimizations for stable servers.
An Open Source C# 3D Game Engine under MIT license, inspired by Unity and featuring a complete editor
Nuake is a modern engine inspired by the Quake engine that integrates with Trenchbroom
Miku fan-made free MikuMikuDacne renderer
A voxel engine in a pot
量子魔兽 wow game server http://uewow.com
在大型游戏中经常使用分布式,分布式中因为游戏逻辑会经常游戏事务,借助redis特性我们可以实现分布式锁和分布式事务。很多redis集群不支持redis的事务特性。 这个框架用来解决分布式服务器下redis集群事务失效的情况下,基于分布式锁完成分布式事务。支持独占锁,共享锁,读写锁,并且支持事务提交失败情况下的回滚操作,让开发者可以有更多时间侧重游戏逻辑.
A comprehensive list of custom game engines
A visual programming AVG engine / VM based on .NET
#安卓#Cross Platform D-Lang Game Engine with scripting support
Kaiju Engine - Multiplatform 2D and 3D Vulkan game engine written in Go/Golang
Game Pencil Engine a game engine written from the ground up.
A 2D game engine based on SDL2/C++
please update from this place https://gitee.com/manykit/PHOENIXEngine.git
#编辑器#3D Game Engine - .NET 8.0 - C# 12 - WinAppSDK Editor