☄️ Node.js library to access IBM Watson services.
翻译 - :comet:Node.js库用于访问IBM Watson服务。
#安卓#An Android ChatBot powered by Watson Services - Assistant, Speech-to-Text and Text-to-Speech on IBM Cloud.
Alexa Skill using IBM Watson Assistant and IBM Cloud Functions
#安卓#An Android ChatBot powered by IBM Watson Services (Assistant V1, Text-to-Speech, and Speech-to-Text with Speaker Recognition) on IBM Cloud.
#安卓# An Android ChatBot written in Kotlin and powered by IBM Watson
Laravel Messaging or Chat or Conversation Package
Joint chatbot workshop with Dashbot using Watson Conversation
Create your very own a Watson-powered bot
#自然语言处理#a question-answering system built using IBM Watson's NLP services
Online Chat Application