A chatbot for banking that uses the Watson Assistant, Discovery, Natural Language Understanding and Tone Analyzer services.
Toolkit for experimentation with watsonx Assistant
Create a Watson Assistant chatbot that uses voice over a web browser.
Materials for the Call for Code 2020 solution starter kit for crisis communication in the context of COVID-19.
翻译 - 在COVID-19环境下用于危机沟通的Call for Code 2020解决方案入门工具包的材料。
Scripts that run against Watson Assistant for K fold validation on training set, testing on blind test, and draw precision curves for comparison.
Alexa Skill using IBM Watson Assistant and IBM Cloud Functions
Assistant Improve notebooks for Watson Assistant
Create an Action for Google Assistant using Watson Assistant
#计算机科学#Dialog Skill Analysis framework for Watson Assistant
Samples using context variables and (system) entities in IBM Watson Assistant (formerly Conversation) service on IBM Cloud
#自然语言处理#Use a robot to answer queries on financial data by integrating with the IBM Watson Assistant service and IBM Watson Studio
A simple Node.js/React.js chatbot UI for the IBM Watson Assistant API.
A message based insurance experience
A starter kit for building custom service desk integrations for Watson Assistant web chat
WARNING: This repository is no longer maintained
# WARNING: This repository is no longer maintained ⚠️ This repository will not be updated. The repository will be kept available in read-only mode.
Compose bots using an agent bot.
Python-based command line tool to manage workspaces and test conversations for IBM Watson Assistant on IBM Cloud
Build a Node.js chatbot that uses Watson services and webhooks to query an owner's manual
Hands-on developing an application using IBM Watson services with Facebook Messenger integrated through serverless functions