☄️ Node.js library to access IBM Watson services.
翻译 - :comet:Node.js库用于访问IBM Watson服务。
📱 The Watson Swift SDK enables developers to quickly add Watson Cognitive Computing services to their Swift applications.
:1st_place_medal: Java SDK to use the IBM Watson services.
#安卓#An Android ChatBot powered by Watson Services - Assistant, Speech-to-Text and Text-to-Speech on IBM Cloud.
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WARNING: This repository is no longer maintained
♦️ Ruby SDK to use the IBM Watson services.
This repo contains the code for a cloud-hosted Django web app for a fake car dealership.
#计算机科学#🍪 Cookiecutter template for MLOps Project. Based on: https://mlops-guide.github.io/
DEPRECATED: Please use https://github.com/watson-developer-cloud/discovery-nodejs
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#计算机科学#Framework Agnostic Watson Personality Insights Client
Spring Boot support for Watson services
A smart bracelet for preventing harassment.
Visualize unstructured data using Watson NLU
🔣 ➡️ 🔠 Using IBM Watson Language Translation Service with Laravel 5
The IBM Cloud SDK for PHP is a library that provides an easy way to interact with IBM Cloud services from applications written in PHP. The SDK currently supports IBM NLU, IBM COS, IBM TTS and IBM STT.
#自然语言处理#PHP SDK for IBM Watson. Making easier to build Watson powered apps in PHP.
IBM Watson Text to Speech PHP Library to convert written text into natural-sounding audio in a variety of langauages and voices using IBM Watson Text to Speech Service
Obtain descriptions for IBM Watson Personality Insights traits in several languages.