Laravel Docker Template - Laravel v11.x, PHP v8.3.x, MySQL v8.1.x, phpMyAdmin v5.x, Mailpit v1.x
The Laravel E-Commerce App is a feature-rich and scalable application built using Laravel 10.x framework. It provides a comprehensive platform for online shopping, enabling businesses to showcase and ...
Simple Laravel 10 CRUD Application Tutorial
video sharing service, Web Service, RestFulAPI
System use to store manage and get the attendance of employees of an organization
This is a Laravel-based portfolio website built for learning purposes. It showcases skills in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Laravel 10, and Yajra DataTables.
Laravel library app adalah aplikasi web untuk meminjam buku dari perpustakaan secara online dengan menggunakan framework Laravel. Aplikasi ini memiliki fitur autentikasi laravel dan loan buku.
The Laravel Auto-Translation Package enables seamless multilingual support by allowing you to define phrases for automatic translation within your Laravel application. Using a built-in Blade directive...
Proyecto base de inicio de sesión (login) en Laravel 10 del lado Backend (API) utilizando Laravel Breeze que incluye rutas y pruebas automatizadas de autenticación.
Laravel 10 User Registration with Email Verification
Laravel 10 bootstrap crud generator
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan untuk Program Keluarga Harapan dengan studi kasus Desa Dangdeur Kecamatan Banyuresmi Garut Jawa Barat
Grow is a E-Learning software that provides online courses.
A simple Laravel 10 liverwire CRUD with reorder table to show livewires power