Bytebase 是一个开源数据库 DevOps 工具,帮助应用开发者和 DBA 管理数据库 Schema (DDL) 和数据 (DML) 的生命周期
Flyway by Redgate • Database Migrations Made Easy.
翻译 - Redgate的Flyway•数据库迁移变得容易。
🌱 一款现代化的脚手架项目
开源论坛、问答系统,现有功能提问、回复、通知、最新、最热、消除零回复功能。功能持续更新中…… 技术栈 Spring、Spring Boot、MyBatis、MySQL/H2、Bootstrap
Database migration tool for .NET and .NET Core projects. Inspired by Flyway.
Starter RESTful service with websocket notifications using Kotlin, Ktor and Exposed with H2, HikariCP and FlyWay
Book tracker web app for book lovers
翻译 - 图书追踪器网络应用
A library for creating isolated embedded databases for Spring-powered integration tests.
Ecommerce project is being developed using Spring Boot Microservices and Spring Cloud (Backend) and React (Frontend). Splitting the Ecommerce functionality into various individual microservices so tha...
Kotlin backend based on the Clean Architecture principles. Ktor, JWT, Exposed, Flyway, OpenAPI/REST & KGraphQL/GraphQL generated endpoints, Gradle.
jun_java_plugin 整合Java企业级各种开发组件、开箱即用、不写重复代码;目前已集成java_plugin50多个,spring_plugin组件100+,spring_boot组件100+,各种项目模板,涵盖开发各种场景如minio、七牛云、云短信、设计模式、多数据源、分布式Session、分布式事务、分布式锁、消息队列、并发框架、模板引擎、规则引擎、上传下载、二维码、缓存、任务调...
Official Flyway Docker images
E-commerce demo with spring reactive webflux and spring cloud microservice
Spring Boot Web App, Flyway, MySQL, H2DB, Bootstrap, Thymeleaf, JWT, Swagger, API Rate Limiting, Docker, RBAC, i18n
翻译 - Spring Boot应用程序模板/入门项目
playground for spring-boot 2.*, kotlin , jetbrains-exposed, postgres, jsonb, flyway, docker
An sbt plugin for Flyway database migration
JavaRush Telegram bot from the community to the community. All the process of software development of this bot is described in series of posts
This repository is an example application for Spring Boot and Angular2 tutorial.