SpringBoot basic structure template based on Java
SpringBoot basic structure template based on Kotlin
Spring Boot + Java Integration for Symphony/Teams Chat Platform Bots and Apps
Spring project accompanying my Toptal article. Setup for a basic CRUD Spring Boot application with standardized error responses, config, etc.
Loading Initial Data with Spring Boot made easy
Kotlin + Spring Multi module Template(Layered Architecture 🏗️)
custom spring starter for kafka configurations
#大语言模型#spring-starter, which enables semantic search, backed by OpenAI, by couple of lines
tencent-spring-boot-starter 腾讯开放平台Api调用集成
Spring-Undo - provides a way to easily implement undo functionality in your Spring Boot application.
Created my first full stack project using Angular for Frontend and Spring Framework implemented using MicroServices Patterns for Backend. By default, trending movies is being displayed in the HomePage...
手写rpc框架 power by 鱼皮rpc。 基于Java + Etcd + Vert.x的高性能RPC框架,使用多种最新技术。其中,你可以学习到基于Vert.x的网络服务器开发、多种序列化器的实现、基于Etcd、Zookeeper等的注册中心、Java反射、动态代理、自定义网络协议开发、多种设计模式(单例、工厂、装饰者)、多种负载均衡实现、多种重试和容错机制、Spring Boot State...
Application for conducting prize draws.
Sistema de gerenciamento de sorologia para hospital público.
Starter for setting up security in a Spring web service
Spring Boot Starter making it easy to work with path based keycloak configuration