Collection of 300+ best practices for Java persistence performance in Spring Boot applications
翻译 - 收集Spring Boot应用程序中Java持久性性能的最佳实践
Elide is a Java library that lets you stand up a GraphQL/JSON-API web service with minimal effort.
Hibernate Tutorials with Spring Boot and Spring-Data-JPA
Spring-Shiro-Spark是Spring-Boot Hibernate Spark Spark-SQL Shiro iView VueJs... ...的集成尝试
#搜索#Helper library for building and running advanced and dynamic queries using JPA in Spring Boot.
Demo project Spring Boot, Security, JWT, Mybatis, Liquibase, JDBC, Swagger, Docker
Spring JPA, Hibernate One To Many example in Spring Boot with ManyToOne annotation
The Web-based application would be used for lending, issuance, and returning of different items. The details of these transactions would be stored in the database. Moreover, details regarding differen...
Spring JPA Many To Many example with Hibernate and Spring Boot CRUD Rest API - ManyToMany annotation
BTK Akademi ve İnnova İşbirliği ile gerçekleştirdiğimiz Java ve React Bootcamp dair içerikler bu repository altında yer almaktadır.
Repository based on a Login & Registration form using Spring Boot, Spring Security, Angular8, Hibernate-JPA, & Restful web services (Database used : MySql). This content is created for Commercial Pur...
This application is a simple bank account implementation. An account able to withdraw money and transfer money to another account. The transfer can be with debit card or credit card. If a credit card...
Mapping, Data structure, database, oracle, mysql, sql, nosql, onetoone, onetomany, manytomany, jdbc, jpa, API, ORM
Multi-Tenant Spring Boot Application with separate databases using Hibernate and H2.
RESTful APIs for managing blog post and user's comments on it
An online Food Delivery Application having backend REST-API, made in Java Spring Boot, JPA-Hibernate with MySQL database.
Micronaut vs Spring - build time, startup time, heap size, used heap size comparision and Gatling load tests.
CASGEM MİLTEK Java Backend Yazılımcı Geliştirme Programı kapsamında geliştirdiğim RentACar projesi