Java漏洞学习笔记 Deserialization Vulnerability
Spring-Shiro-Spark是Spring-Boot Hibernate Spark Spark-SQL Shiro iView VueJs... ...的集成尝试
jun_amis_lowcode是基于百度amis前端低代码框架+后端SpringBoot在线接口开发平台(jun_api_online)构建的低代码开发框架。其可使用JSON 配置来生成页面(不仅仅是表单引擎),使用动态mapping及动态生成bean的方式执行SQL脚本及JVM脚本来动态生成接口。
Springboot 纯后端 模板项目 便于快速开始,开箱即用
这是一个使用shiro 无状态实现的一个账户demo系统
JEE extension for Apache Shiro Security Framework
grails activiti (BPM) shiro security plugin
A set of permission systems developed using SpringBoot, MyBatis, and Shiro frameworks, with a very low threshold and ready to use. At the beginning of the design, we paid great attention to security ...
Springboot with FreeMarker build a rapid development platform for webapp