A Web UI for Elasticsearch and OpenSearch: Import, browse and edit data with rich filters and query views, create reference search UIs.
翻译 - Elasticsearch缺少的Web UI:使用丰富的过滤器和查询视图导入,浏览和编辑数据,以可视方式创建搜索UI。
#区块链#A decentralized voting system using Ethereum blockchain for secure and transparent elections, with features like user authentication and real-time result tracking.
Instagram clone using apollo, react and graphQl (hasura-graphQl engine)
#区块链#Open source Bitcoin and Altcoin portfolio / trades logging and tracking. Including Profit / Loss calculations, Price Charts and realtime updates.
An experiment for state mutations that produces a change log https://www.npmjs.com/package/proxy-live-document
A realtime update price from cryptomarket
Seat booking application which provides realtime update whenever seats are booked.
Get real-time stock data for free in Node.js.
Riddle is a logging library to send your logs to another app
spike implementation of live updates to mermaid-js diagrams
a simple and flexible library for localStorage api. features include CRUD operations using ORM like syntax, real time update across tabs included!
An NSFetchedResultsController replacement for FirebaseDatabase on iOS, written in Swift.
A simple and lightweight Laravel 4.2 and Laravel 5.* wrapper to interact with Fanout Service (fanout.io). Fanout is a SAAS that makes easy to build apps and APIs with realtime updates.
Node.js wrapper to access your traditional MySql Database at real time, sync your data between multiple users at real time, no need of refresh, no need of AJAX.( good for web based real time projects)...
#前端开发#Real Time Chat Web-Application
Raptor IoT platform javascript SDK
Service monitoring API
Image acquisition and processing software for Allied Vision GigE camera in the PACK imaging system.
#安卓#An awesome IoT based fire alarm
A javascript bootstrapped social network built with NEAR (Nodejs, Expressjs, Angular2, RethinkDb) realtime updates using socket.io