Fasten is an open-source, self-hosted, personal/family electronic medical record aggregator, designed to integrate with 100,000's of insurances/hospitals/clinics
The Fasten Sources is a library that defines medical provider metadata (definitions - OpenID Metadata documents) and http clients (OAuth2/Smart-on-FHIR clients) which can be used to retrieve data from...
A concierge health application tracking several bio-markers to determine fitness and overall health
Backend for a distributed electronic health records system
Frontend for a distributed electronic health records system
#区块链#Insurance claim based on Blockchain (web3, express, Swarm 1.8.2, solc 0.5, truffle 5.0)
View your vaccines, historical vitals, and other medical information on one simple and secure website.
#时序数据库#ContinuousCare: your Personal Monitoring System.
Cryptographic access control project for the 2024/2025 iteration of the Secure Data Management course at University of Twente
#前端开发#My personal health dashboard, with daily stats on food and sleep. Undergone several redesigns since 2015.
A landing page for Konsulin: Psychological kit in your pocket