This repository contains the code to generate predictions of critical violations at food establishments in Chicago. It also contains the results of an evaluation of the effectiveness of those predicti...
#算法刷题#El curso en español, de acceso abierto y gratuito más grande del mundo sobre Ciencia de Datos en salud.
翻译 - OpenHealth LAB Academy 数据科学培训计划库
Ground mobile data collection app for Android
#区块链#An easy-to-use PWA to monitor the user's wellness and learn about COVID-19.
翻译 - CoronaTracker是一个易于使用且易于访问的渐进式Web应用程序,可帮助您监视健康并在COVID-19危机期间保持知情,这是由投资于公共卫生的开源社区设计的。
💾 📃 "Reads to report" for public health and clinical microbiology
#数据仓库#R Package for Analyzing John Snow's 1854 Cholera Map
#数据仓库#R Package for Analyzing John Snow's 1854 Cholera Map
R package to interact with Public Health England’s Fingertips data tool
An open-source tool for calculating and reporting spatial indicators for healthy, sustainable cities worldwide using open or custom data.
ScotPHO profiles tool code
Bayesian spatial analysis
ReportStream is a public intermediary tool for delivery of data between different parts of the healthcare ecosystem.
#数据仓库#An R package with over 50 highly cited, read-to-use, up-to-date COVID-19 pandemic data resources
Dataset and code for "Explainable Automated Fact-Checking for Public Health Claims" from EMNLP 2020.
Forecasting elevated levels of E. coli at Chicago beaches to provide proper warning to beach-goers.
Benchmark datasets for WGS analysis of SARS-CoV-2. (
Simplifying complex network data collection.
Real-time corona-virus tracker of Bangladesh 🇧🇩 which includes latest updates, data visualization, public awareness from WHO and some advice to aware people. 🥰❤
Data Wrangling and Automated Reports from 'SIVIGILA' source
Dashboard to target Philly vacant properties for anti-gun violence interventions