🦠 Track the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in the command line. Worldwide for all countries, for one country, and the US States. Fast response time (< 100ms). https://x.com/MrAhmadAwais
翻译 - in在命令行中跟踪冠状病毒疾病(COVID-19)。适用于所有国家/地区,一个国家和美国的全球范围。快速响应时间(<100ms)。 https://NodeCLI.com
#Awesome#🦠 Huge collection of useful projects and resources for COVID-19 (2019 novel Coronavirus)
翻译 - for COVID-19(2019年新颖的冠状病毒)的有用项目和资源
Track conronavirus cases from command line. curl https://corona-stats.online/
翻译 - 从命令行跟踪冠状病毒病例。卷曲https://corona-stats.online/
🦠Corona Virus / Covid 19 Tracker Dashboard With Awesome UI + PWA + NodeJS Scraper
翻译 - ona具有出色的UI + PWA + NodeJS Scraper的Corona Virus / Covid 19 Tracker仪表板
A console-oriented COVID-19 tracker with real-time updates for your favorite terminal. 💻🌏😷
翻译 - 基于curl的命令行跟踪程序,用于新型冠状病毒或COVID-19大流行。它支持linux和macos终端,windows的命令提示符和android的termux(具有实时更新)。卷曲https://covid19tracker.xyz
An Android Application written in Kotlin 📱 with MVVM Architecture using latest Android Development tools like Dagger Hilt, Room, ViewModel, LiveData, Retrofit and Coroutines to display CoVID-19...
This Repository contains link to many Open or Closed Source APIs which I've made
A beautiful 😍 covid-19 app with self - assessment and more.
A web app to display the live graphical state-wise reported corona cases in India so far. It also shows the latest news for COVID-19. Stay Home, Stay Safe!
Fetch and compare COVID statistics on the CLI.
翻译 - CLI用于获取和比较2019年冠状病毒大流行统计数据的CLI。
go-corona is a Golang client library for accessing global coronavirus (COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2) outbreak data.
#安卓#An end to end tool from general public to govt portal & an awareness tool with CoronaVirus Facts, Mythbusters & Support to eradicate the language & context barrier of misinformation that's been spread...
#数据仓库#Data COVID-19 Argentina actualizada y en formatos abiertos.
Daily COVID-19 statistics by country, region, and city
📄 List of coronavirus applications built in response to the COVID-19 virus from Dec 2019
A command line tool in python to fetch worldwide data about COVID-19
#IOS#🇬🇧 UK COVID-19 Statistics app built using SwiftUI
Real-time corona-virus tracker of Bangladesh 🇧🇩 which includes latest updates, data visualization, public awareness from WHO and some advice to aware people. 🥰❤
#计算机科学#Detect Covid-19 with Chest X-Ray Data