COVID-19 World update with data Visualization (Include Indonesia cases)
Dashboard for visualizing Covid-19 data for NYC residents. The aim of this site is for people to leave not just better informed, but also feeling more connected and in touch with humanity.
New Coronavirus, Pneumonia, 新型冠状病毒,冠状病毒,info websites,Information, Coronavirus globaloutbreak,novel coronavirus, coronavirus tracking, coronavirus real time info, coronavirus maps
Collecting self-reported coronavirus symptoms and displaying them on a real-time map.
Covid-19 reported cases data and analysis for US states - Last Update : April 7, 2020
A coronavirus map for the U.S. made with d3.js.
Covid-19 tracking for Chile
An ultimate list of open-source COVID-19 (Coronavirus) resources for web developers.
Corona Virus Tracker
A quick heatmap of coronavirus cases worldwide
COVID-19 Novel Coronavirus Live Cases Data Api
🦠 Covid-19 Tracker | Single-page application (SPA) using Vue.js, shows the latest COVID-19 statistics feed of the world and your country of choice in real-time
QGIS/Inkscape project files and data for Wikimedia Commons File:Saskatchewan COVID-19 Infection Rates.svg
CoronavirusTracker App Helps You To Get Real Statistics About COVID-19 Related Countries
Analyzing COVID-19 state data from The New York Times.