App para ver el estado de la vacunación COVID-19 en España
翻译 - 应用程序以查看西班牙的COVID-19疫苗接种状况
Extensive and accessible COVID-19 data + forecasting for counties and hospitals. 📈
COVID-19 datasets are constructed entirely from primary (government and public agency) sources
#数据仓库#Datos de casos confirmados, negativos, defunciones y recuperados, transcritos de los tweets del MINSA (, de sus comunicados y de su "Sala Situacional...".
🦠 Regularly updated list of publicly available datasets with single-cell (scRNAseq) and T-cell/antibody immune repertoire (AIRR / RepSeq / immunosequencing) data of COVID-19 patients with SARS-CoV-2.
Last date of data delivery: 2022-11-14. Regularly updated Norwegian covid-19 data from Folkehelseinstituttet (the Norwegian Institute of Public Health)
Uruguay COVID-19 vaccination data
#数据仓库#Scripts to cleanup data from
A COVID-19 CT Scan Dataset Applicable in Machine Learning and Deep Learning
COVID-19 World update with data Visualization (Include Indonesia cases)
#计算机科学#This repository contains the source codes of the article published to detect changes in ECG caused by COVID-19 and automatically diagnose COVID-19 from ECG data.
#时序数据库#COVID-19 Coronavirus Disease Spread Time Series Analysis
#计算机科学#Beginner-friendly collection of Python API tutorials, including Twitter data, COVID-19 data, and price information on stocks and cryptocurrencies.. All APIs are free. Check for related tutorials on re...
#人类加油 #we-stay-strong 面向疫区内外民众和医疗机构的多维度信息整合平台 前端
📈 Track COVID-19 (2019 novel Coronavirus) statistics via the command line.
This project holds a line-list data (including mobility and exposure history, as well as epidemiological Timelines) of 10,000+ COVID-19 cases reported by Chinese local health committees.
Data collection and exploratory analysis related to COVID-19 for general insurance actuaries and the public