App para ver el estado de la vacunación COVID-19 en España
翻译 - 应用程序以查看西班牙的COVID-19疫苗接种状况
#计算机科学#Attention-based Hybrid CNN-LSTM and Spectral Data Augmentation for COVID-19 Diagnosis from Cough Sound
Uruguay COVID-19 vaccination data
Singapore & Malaysia COVID-19 data from multiple data sources (Zaobao, MOH)
Data from the Spanish Health Ministry and other Spanish official sources of the for the covid-19 outbreak. All regions, most provinces included. Updated daily
#时序数据库#Datasets for the COVID-19 Coronavirus cases in Mexico
COVID-19 Data Repository for Bangladesh and Worldwide Cases
Tracking COVID-19 in India. Clean datasets from official sources saved daily. All automated using GitHub Actions.
Download Canadian COVID-19 Data
A Data Analysis project on the spread of the Novel Coronavirus in India. This project is an attempt of analysing the coronavirus (Covid – 19) spread in India using data science concepts and analytics ...
A collection of Philippine data for COVID-19 purposes. It has python codes to retrieve specific data.
The repository stores the data for covid19 cases in India from the sources,, and
#计算机科学#Some basic machine learning projects. Datasets are also included.
Quebec (QC) COVID-19 data by regions
Data COVID-19 dari Pusdatin Kementrian Kesehatan
San Diego County Coronavirus (COVID-19) Tracking
COVID-19 Monitoraggio dati provincia di Sondrio - aggiornamento quotidiano
Monitoraggio situazione contagio Covid-19 Comune di Cittanova (RC) Calabria Italia . Fonte dati covid Comune di Cittanova . Elaborazione dati ing. Francesco Politi .