App para ver el estado de la vacunación COVID-19 en España
翻译 - 应用程序以查看西班牙的COVID-19疫苗接种状况
COVID-19 Pandemic in South America
🇪🇸 REST API which exposes all of the COVID-19 stats for Spain extracted from the official spanish government daily reports.
#数据仓库#Datos públicos sobre la epidemia de Coronavirus COVID-19
Dockerfiles to obtain and analyze 💊COVID19 data 📈📉 from different sources using Rstudio-server and Shiny Apps 📊
Predict future hospital admissions and simulate the number of beds occupied.
This repository contains a simple (and brief) exploratory data analysis focused on the crisis of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic in Spain and its different provinces. The aim is to show the evoluti...
Province-based COVID-19 dataset for Spain
Datos del COVID-19 en España
Data from Spain of COVID-19 (by Datadista) as a service
Ultimas estadísticas sobre el covid en la ciudad de Alicante. Información sobre todos los municipios de la ciudad de Alicante
COVID-19 Projections and real-time data