以 社会学年鉴模式体例规范地统编自2019年12月起新冠肺炎疫情进展的时间线。
【在开发2.x版本,暂时关闭站点!新版大屏beta 版本,全实时数据,交互式大屏,精确到城市级,弹幕来袭】关注2019新型冠状病毒(2019-nCoV),数据可视化感染人群热点图、迁徙扩散轨迹,以提供帮助分析疫情。 愿世界安好。Focus on Wuhan 2019-nCoV, data visualization, to help analyze the epidemic situation. ...
新型冠状病毒实时疫情 Vue-Compostion-Api版本 (Vue3 + TypeScript)
📄 List of coronavirus applications built in response to the COVID-19 virus from Dec 2019
COVID-19 World update with data Visualization (Include Indonesia cases)
COVID-19 positive cases tracker for New York State.
The transmissibility of novel Coronavirus in the early stages of the 2019-20 outbreak in Wuhan: Exploring initial point-source exposure sizes and durations using scenario analysis
Statistics and prediction of the COVID-19 outbreak. Focused on Czech Republic but has predictions for other countries too
#时序数据库#A comprehensive analysis on the spread of the corona virus worldwide. The statistical analysis shows the spread using interactive charts and figures. The geographical analysis shows the spread of the ...
Yet Another Covid Dashboard! A web app using flash, hosted on heroku. Shows plots of Covid case numbers, vaccination numbers and intensive care beds over time for Germany.