以 社会学年鉴模式体例规范地统编自2019年12月起新冠肺炎疫情进展的时间线。
#数据仓库#2019 Wuhan Coronavirus data (COVID-19 / 2019-nCoV)
翻译 - 2019武汉冠状病毒数据(COVID-19 / 2019-nCoV)
2019-nCoV 新冠状病毒 2019-12-01至今国家、省、市三级每日统计数据(支持接口读取)
A global collection of Open Source projects during COVID-19
Lest we forget this pandemic, or at least I won't forget. This project keep an archive for the mainstream media's articles which covering on COVID-19 (2019.12-). Including those deleted by CCP. Update...
2020新冠肺炎记忆:报道、非虚构与个人叙述(持续更新) Memory of 2020 nCoV: Media Coverage, Non-fiction Writings, and Individual Narratives (Continuously updating)
Modelling of the nCoV-2019 outbreak in Wuhan, China, by Jon Read, Jess Bridgen, and Chris Jewell at Lancaster University.
Wolfram Language code and notebooks related to the coronavirus outbreak
这是一份城市选择指南(中国城市 省份 新一线 房价 宜居 定居 互联网 IT 程序员 十四五 2035 高铁 轨道交通 地铁 河北 北京 天津 京津冀 湖南 长沙)
A COVID-19 Virus Stats Tracking and Notification Platform | 新型冠状病毒疫情数据 📩订阅平台
🌏Record the last days of this earth. Don't they know this's the end of the world. It ended when you say good-bye.