A system independent tool for interactive image manipulation with Voronoi and Delaunay data structures.
翻译 - 使用Voronoi和Delaunay数据结构进行实时图像处理的独立于系统的工具。
#数据仓库#R Package for Analyzing John Snow's 1854 Cholera Map
#数据仓库#R Package for Analyzing John Snow's 1854 Cholera Map
A tool to create a Voronoi diagram for polygons
Fortunes algorithm implementation in Swift
Python code that can be used to analyze molecular dynamics simulations of proteins/polymers solvated in water. The first and second hydration shells are calculated, the molecular volume, the partial m...
#计算机科学#Periodic Voronoi Tesselation of Crystals and Feature Extraction for Quantum Machine Learning in Python
Geographical Masking methods. Applicable to discrete confidential-private-sensitive geodata.
Map's generator in Python using Voronoi polygons and Lloyd relaxation
Color Voronoi diagram according to scalar property of points.
Random voronoi diagram generator for the LÖVE framework
The famous Voronoi Diagram, coded in P5JS
Create Voronoi diagram given an initial bounding polygon and some centeroid data points (reffered to as watchtower points)
A small command line utility to convert a 2-dimensional input point set to finite Voronoi cells that are bound by an input polygon.
Set of scripts to decompose an image in multiple tiles like Quadtrees, Voronoitrees, etc...
A simple, inefficient, cpu-based voronoi diagram generator.