#计算机科学#Code and datasets for the Tsetlin Machine
翻译 - Tsetlin机器的代码和数据集
PAMI is a Python library containing 100+ algorithms to discover useful patterns in various databases across multiple computing platforms. (Active)
#计算机科学#Implements the Tsetlin Machine, Convolutional Tsetlin Machine, Regression Tsetlin Machine, Weighted Tsetlin Machine, and Embedding Tsetlin Machine, with support for continuous features, multigranulari...
#计算机科学# A fast Tsetlin Machine implementation employing bit-wise operators, with MNIST demo.
翻译 - 快速的Tsetlin Machine实现,采用按位运算符,带有MNIST演示。
#算法刷题#🔨 Python implementation of Apriori algorithm, new and simple!
🍊 📦 Frequent itemsets and association rules mining for Orange 3.
Tutorial on the Convolutional Tsetlin Machine
Implementation of the Apriori and Eclat algorithms, two of the best-known basic algorithms for mining frequent item sets in a set of transactions, implementation in Python.
#计算机科学#Using the Tsetlin Machine to learn human-interpretable rules for high-accuracy text categorization with medical applications
#计算机科学#Multi-threaded implementation of the Tsetlin Machine, Convolutional Tsetlin Machine, Regression Tsetlin Machine, and Weighted Tsetlin Machine, with support for continuous features and multigranularity...
A handy Python wrapper of the famous VMSP algorithm for mining maximal sequential patterns.
Implementation of FPTree-Growth and Apriori-Algorithm for finding frequent patterns in Transactional Database.
gSpan, an efficient algorithm for mining frequent subgraphs
cSPADE: mining frequent sequence patterns with constraints (extension of SPADE)
Algorithms for Mining Frequent Trees (in Tree Structured Datasets)
fim is a collection of some popular frequent itemset mining algorithms implemented in Go.
Python interface to arules for association rule mining
"Frequent Mining Algorithms" is a Python library that includes frequent mining algorithms. This library contains popular algorithms used to discover frequent items and patterns in datasets. Frequent m...
Frequent Pattern mining in tree-like sequences for medical data.
#计算机科学#Market Basket Analysis using Apriori Algorithm on grocery data.