The shortest yet efficient Python implementation of the sequential pattern mining algorithm PrefixSpan, closed sequential pattern mining algorithm BIDE, and generator sequential pattern mining algorit...
PAMI is a Python library containing 100+ algorithms to discover useful patterns in various databases across multiple computing platforms. (Active)
[AAAI 2022] Seq2Pat: Sequence-to-Pattern Generation Library
Graph Pattern Mining
A visualization tool that supports queries and pattern mining for event sequence exploration
This is an automated transformation inference tool that leverages a big code corpus to guide the abstraction of transformation patterns.
A Java Desktop application with a graphical user interface for the discovery of colinear syntenic blocks across thousands microbial genomes
RuleMiner is a package for data mining in Julia with support for itemset and association rule mining algorithms
#时序数据库#LoCoMotif is a time series motif discovery method that discovers variable-length motif sets in multivariate time series using time warping
#算法刷题#Vertex Ordering to List Triangles: a fast C++ tool for triangle counting or listing in big graphs. See associated paper:
Higher-order genetic interaction discovery with network-based biological priors.
#计算机科学#Describe data in terms of informative and concise sets of patterns
Exceptional Model Mining is a descriptive data mining technique to find interesting patterns in datasets. This package contains a Python inmplementation of Exceptional Model Mining that can be applied...
#计算机科学#C# code of ECSM (AI 2016 conference)
The shortest yet efficient implementation of the famous sequential pattern mining algorithm PrefixSpan in Scala.
#计算机科学#This repo is created to perform I/O Request Packet (IRP) driven ransomware analysis where the IRP logs were collected during ransomware execution.