RSS-proxy allows you to do create an RSS or ATOM feed of almost any website, just by analyzing just the static HTML structure.
翻译 - RSS 代理允许您创建几乎所有网站的 RSS 或 ATOM 提要,只需分析静态 HTML 结构即可。
Turn a directory of MP3s into a podcast - automatically.
PHP7 Yandex Turbo Pages RSS feed generator
Generate an RSS feed from markup content and metadata
Subscribe to Mixcloud users as RSS podcasts
Плагин под WordPress, генерирующий ленту (фид) для Турбо-страниц от компании Яндекс.
This repository provides a collection of RSS feeds for news and updates on the new Counter-Strike website, which is updated several times a day.
PHP5.4 Yandex Turbo Pages RSS feed generator
Rss Feed Fetcher is a software which can fetch rss feeds from any kind of rss feed links of xml version 2 and specially targeted freelancers from upwork. Also user can set an interval and interval typ...
Read your favorite Telegram channels via RSS feed. No Telegram account needed.
Discord bot to generate alt:V RSS feed from your Discord channels
Contains site, podcast manager web app, and podcast RSS feed generator
A Rss 2.0 compliant XML feed parser and generator.
A web service to provide RSS feeds for sites that do not already have one
#大语言模型#RSS Feed URL Generator, Free RSS Feed URL Generator, RSS feed URL list, RSS Feed URL Generator Free, How do I get my RSS feed URL? imamuddinwp.