Daily automatic submission of urls to baidu and Google bing | 每天自动提交url到百度和谷歌必应
The repeat submit tool for java.(java 防止重复提交框架,支持注解。支持 spring, springboot 整合。)
Solution for two Cypress testing use-cases I came across with: perform a direct http FORM request to the server containing a file and other parameters and upload a file into a form before submission
A template for a data analysis folder that can be easily exported as a webpage or as Supplementary Materials
Easily submitting multiple PBS jobs or running local jobs in parallel. Multiple input files supported.
🛫 Submit simple form, with safe types, without management!
A submit button for redux form that dynamically changes based on the current redux form state
A command-line submission tool for the UMD CS Submit Server
A polyfill for submitter property of <form /> Submit Event, which is written in TypeScript.