🔨 The Framework *You* Control - Next.js & Nuxt alternative for unprecedented flexibility and dependability.
A thin layer on top of Vite to build modern SSR apps with a delightful DX.
A Powerful Cross-platform Webpack CLI Tool
🔨 React integration for Vike
Highly Scalable Awesome React Starter Kit for an enterprise application with a very easy maintainable codebase. 🔥
🔮 React SSR Advanced Seed (Typescript + nestJS + React SSR + React Native + Docker)
[EXPERIMENTAL] React, React Native, and React with SSR (e.g. Next.js) packages to interact with Parse Server backend
HackerNews clone built with React, ReactRouter & Redux, with full page server-side rendering
A library for building V8 Isolate web apps on Cloudflare Workers, Deno, and Node.JS
tiny React hook which allows you to track visible window viewport size in your components w/ an optional debounce for updates for optimal rendering.
Easily fetch json data in your React components, with similar APIs to react-apollo, and Suspense SSR 🎉
ssr boilerplate based on vite & vite-plugin-ssr & react18! ✌️
Generic data fetching, caching, and SSR hydration pattern for React
An example of @react-ssr/nestjs-express
Yet another simple React SSR solution inspired by vue-server-render
react boilerplate generator
A lightweight solution for the server-side rendering of Webpack-built applications.
🙂angela (安其拉):react ssr router redux; react同构框架