#区块链#A collection about awesome blockchains - open distributed public databases w/ crypto hashes incl. git ;-). Blockchains are the new tulips 🌷🌷🌷. Distributed is the new centralized.
翻译 - 关于很棒的区块链的集合-带有加密哈希的开放式分布式公共数据库,包括git ;-)。区块链是新的郁金香:tulip :: tulip :: tulip:。分布式是新的集中式。
#区块链#blockchain (crypto) tools, libraries & scripts in ruby
#安全#🚀 DISCoHAsH - Simple, fast, quality hash in 120 lines. 10GB/s serial (depending on hardware). Also in NodeJS
The fastest 128-bit and 256-bit hash, passes all tests, and under 140 source lines of code. API library and CLI tool in C++ and NodeJS/Wasm
#安卓#A collection of Kotlin Multiplatform cryptographic hashing functions.
💎 Beamsplitter - A new (possibly universal) hash that passes SMHasher. Built mainly with a random 10x64 S-box. Also in NodeJS
#区块链#Best of Crypto Books - A collection of books, white papers & more about crypto and blockchains.
🐤 floppsy - SMHasher-passing 200Mb/s hash using floating-point ops
A pure managed C# implementation of well-known cryptographic hash functions such as SHA-family (SHA0, SHA1, SHA2, SHA3), MD-family (MD2, MD4, MD5), Keccak family, RIPEMD, Tiger, Haval, Snefru.
The BLOCKSET application is a command line program that can store and retrieve data blocks using a content-dependent tree (CDT) hash function as a universal address of the blocks.
Cryptographic message digest algorithms as a Java library with standard JCA adapters
Create and compare hashes of .exe and .dll files in order to detect updates
#区块链#Custom Blockchain: A simple custom blockchain implementation that demonstrates the fundamental concepts of blockchain technology. This project includes core blockchain functionalities such as block cr...