umbrelOS for Raspberry Pi 4 (only). Covert your Raspberry Pi into a home server in one click. For other hardware, checkout https://github.com/getumbrel/umbrel
#区块链#JeChain decentralized application platform and smart contract blockchain network
翻译 - 用 60 行 Javascript 编写的工作量证明区块链
[Deprecated] Moved to https://github.com/getumbrel/umbrel/tree/master/packages/dashboard. Web-based dashboard to interact with your Umbrel.
All necessary configuration files and step-by-step instructions for setting up and running a full-node on the IoTeX blockchain. Start contributing to the IoTeX network and explore advanced node featur...
✨ A simple pruning-friendly setup for a personal bitcoin full node
RESTful Bitcoin and Lightning API for Umbrel
[Deprecated] Moved to https://github.com/getumbrel/umbrel/tree/master/packages/manager. Low-level system API for Umbrel.
MY₿ONK's full installation, the manual way, for all to see (should you decide to install everything manually?!). The Wiki that leaves no stone unturned.
#区块链#Run a secure Bitcoin Core node with ease.
🎛️ Reference signer node and light node for the KimlikDAO protocol
#区块链#Creation of blockchain system on Python for further integration in different projects
Full node BCubium administration website