Build better responsive designs in less code.
Generate font size variables for a fluid type scale with CSS clamp.
A tool that calculates the CSS clamp formula to interpolate between two values in a given viewport range.
Responsive clamping component with Read more/Read less buttons built for React.
Ellipsis.js - Pure Javascript Library to handle complex multilines ellipsis
A high performance and customized ellipsis component for react, support rich text. 高性能、高度自定义、支持富文本的 react 缩略组件。
Cross-browser ellipsis on multi-line texts. Optimized for performance, and supports tags inside clamped element. Even looks better than -webkit-clamp. Supports all real browsers and IE11+.
PostCSS plugin to transform clamp() to combination of min/max
A Tailwind CSS plugin that provides fluid-responsive spacings across viewport widths.
Clamps an HTML element by adding ellipsis to it if the content inside is too long.
Angular (2+) directive that clamps the content of an element by adding an ellipsis to it if the content inside is too long.
A microservices flow orchestrator and workflow manager.
Automatically generate shell autocompletion scripts for clamp based ruby CLI tools
A collection of readily available commercial-off-the-shelf components and 3D printed components that can be assembled into various configurations to provide mounting solutions for assistive technology...
a utility that keeps your numbers correctly within a range
Enhance the css clamp() function with a little bit of mathematics.