A very fast and expressive template engine.
翻译 - 一个非常快速且富有表现力的模板引擎。
MiniJinja is a powerful but minimal dependency template engine for Rust compatible with Jinja/Jinja2
A Template Engine for Modern C++
翻译 - 现代 C++ 的模板引擎
A toolbar overlay for debugging Flask applications
Safely add untrusted strings to HTML/XML markup.
Jinja2 C++ (and for C++) almost full-conformance template engine implementation
Minimalist Python library for building static websites with Jinja
A template rendering engine based on Jinja, generating type-safe Rust code at compile time.
Beautiful Interactive tables in your Flask templates.
A demo web app for reminders built in Python using FastAPI and HTMX
⭐ ALIVE Again! ⭐ SmartHome - Nothing but smarthome stuff here! Have fun browsing through my home automation setup... ping me on Discord with any questions! 👍
Jinja-like syntax template-engine for Go
Fully responsive personal portfolio single-page website, responsive for all devices, built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Python.
Implementation of Jinja2 template language in Crystal