Homebridge plugin for Philips Hue
PiHole and AGH Blocklists
Kelvin - The hue bot
Control Philips TVs (2015+) and Ambilight (+ Hue) through their reverse-engineered API (+ MQTT support!)
Harmonize Project lets you sync HDMI video with Philips Hue lights using a Raspberry Pi!
🚥 Art-Net node to control Philips Hue lights with DMX
Harmonize Project - Sync HDMI video with Philips Hue lights using a Raspberry Pi!
翻译 - 协调项目-使用Raspberry Pi将飞利浦Hue灯与HDMI视频同步!
DEPRECATED, please use https://github.com/vchlum/smart-home instead
ESPHome components which implement a Philips Series 2200/3200 Coffee Machine into HomeAssistant. Capable of brewing automatic coffee.
ZigBee Platform plugin for HomeBridge
XiaoMi Philips light plugins for HomeBridge.
💡Simple controller for your Philips Hue lights, based on web technologies.
Laravel Philips Hue package to control your lights with remote support
翻译 - Laravel Philips Hue套件可通过远程支持控制灯光
Experimental Philips CD-I emulator written in C++
Tools to control Philips (2016, 2017, 2018, 2019) Android TV via command line.
Hue Light DJ using Hue Entertainment API