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#人脸识别#Expanded version of the Espressif ESP webcam
翻译 - 乐鑫ESP网络摄像头的扩展版本
#计算机科学#ESP32 Camera motion capture application to record JPEGs to SD card as AVI files and stream to browser as MJPEG. If a microphone is installed then a WAV file is also created. Files can be uploaded via ...
Perfect companion for your Flipper Zero. ESP32 with WiFi, BT/BLE, micro-SD, camera+PSRAM, flashlight and extras: NRF24/CC1101, 3V/5V sensors
Informations and examples about A.I. Thinker ESP32-CAM using ESP-IDF
add camera support to MicroPython
Video Recorder for ESP32-CAM with http server for config and ftp (or http) server to download video
Code for MobiCom paper 'TinyML-CAM: 80 FPS Image Recognition in 1 Kb RAM'
ESP-Cam是一款基于ESP32芯片的开源WIFI摄像头, 本仓库存放关于ESP-Cam的使用教程与相关开发资料. 同时本教程还提供了Ubuntu下配置ESP-IDF开发环境的教程,以及ESP-CAM源码修改与固件编译烧录的教程.
Plug and Play firmware for the esp32cam. Connect with RTSP (for example VLC). Easy installation: Flash, provision and connect!
Firmware and software to run an ESP32-CAM module on your Flipper Zero🐬device!
#编辑器#Motion detection with image notification for Esp32CAM and Esp32 flasher with GUI based on esptool.py.
Upload an image directly from ESP32-CAM to Google Drive