Code for MobiCom paper 'TinyML-CAM: 80 FPS Image Recognition in 1 Kb RAM'
#计算机科学#ROS2 wrapper for Edge Impulse
Calido - Open Smart Thermostat and Smart Home Controller. Built on a Thingy:91 (nRF9160).
This collection of apps scrapes car images from the Autotrader website in order to create a dataset of car brands for Machine Learning (ML).
Detector de moedas de 1 real e 50 centavos utilizando a plataforma Edge Impulse.
#计算机科学#Research on the capabilities of the STM32F429I-DISC1 board to perform Machine Learning tasks
Micropython tool for Data Ingest into EdgeImpulse
Submitted for NXP-Hackathon-2021 on
#计算机科学#Arduino UNO R4 Minima Soccer forecast with Machine Learning (Edge Impulse)
#计算机科学#Code example for ModusToolbox that enables any PSoC 6 to run Machine Learning
AI driven traffic lights with Texas Instruments AM62A and Edge Impulse
Gesture recognition on @RAKwireless WisBlock using Accelerometer sensor and @edgeimpulse and @TensorFlow Lite Micro.
Testing TinyML by recognizing if Arduino 33 Sense is Stationary or in an Up-Down Motion
#计算机科学#A TinyML cassava leaf disease detection system built using Edge Impulse and the Espressif ESP32-CAM microcontroller
An IoT based Driver Alert System , making use of ML Models and Communication through LoRA
Prototype to predict power cuts with Arduino and Edge Impulse TinyML
#计算机科学#American Sign Language trainer with Machine Learning via Edge Impulse and Texas Instruments AM62A