Beryllium OS, a unix-like operating system for CircuitPython powered microcontrollers. (Formerly known as ljinux)
MicroHydra is a simple, 'OS-like', MicroPython based app switcher designed for ESP32 based devices.
DOS-like OS for microcontroller boards running Micropython or Circuitpython
BadUSB for the Cardputer with ducky script support and extra functionality
M5Stack Cardputer "Port" of Peanut-GB
Universal remote control for the M5Cardputer, contains 3498 remote profiles from 636 different brands. Also compatible with Flipper-IRDB files
Firmware to do cool things with Cardputer.
Program for playing Flipper Zero IR files on CardPuter device in Arduino Sketch
M5Stack Cardputer Virtual REPL
Serial UART communication software for the M5Cardputer
A GPS logger using the M5Cardputer platform. It reads GPS data, displays it on the screen, and saves the data to an SD card.
NeoLED - ESP32 Component for WS2812 LEDs Using I2S
DTMF, Blue, and US/UK Red Box tone generator for the CardPuter device in Arduino Sketch
Orchid CLI is a simple CLI for the M5Stack Cardputer. It is currently a WIP and as such, may not be functional.