procedurally generated fish drawings
翻译 - 程序生成的鱼图
#Awesome#A curated list of code and resources for computer-controlled drawing machines and other visual art robots.
Convert images to vectorized line drawings for plotters.
Create single line illustrations from your pictures.
翻译 - Create single line SVG illustrations from your pictures
A testing tool for serial port, network, bluetooth, http, websocket, ...
A GCode sender (not only for lasers or plotters) for up to two GRBL controller. SVG, DXF, HPGL import. 6 axis DRO.
Convert vector graphics to g-code for pen plotters, laser engravers, and other CNC machines
Astus' Mathematical Display Application : A GUI for Mathematics (Calculator, LaTeX Converter, Plotter, ... )
Qt serial monitor and data plotter
This project aims at being able to export Kicad v5 Sch files to structured picture files
✨ A plotter for reinforcement learning (RL)
A library for developers who want to approach to creative coding, artists who want to approach coding and for those who find it fun to play with math.
Turn your Raspberry Pi into an Oscilloscope/XY Plotter with Python
an arduino library for easy graphing on host computer via serial communication
Beautiful Vector Generator Tool
Serial Plotter for Arduino and other embedded devices.