#Awesome#A curated list of code and resources for computer-controlled drawing machines and other visual art robots.
Create single line illustrations from your pictures.
翻译 - Create single line SVG illustrations from your pictures
grbl 0.9i with Servo Motor support and CoreXY configuration Used For Crazy Engineer's Drawing Robot
Common files for Inkscape extensions to drive EggBot, WaterColorBot, and similar plotter-type machines
Generative art. A suite of composable tools to generate, transform and visualize WKT geometries
AxiDraw Web allow artists to connect pen plotter in the browser with the WebUSB API
Utilities for Pen Plotter Enthusiasts and Generative Artists
🍥Spiral, Electric Wizard inspired drawing made with Axidraw🍥
This electron app aims to make working with the axidraw an effortless affair.
livedraw is a real-time collaborative pen plotter stream experience (e.g. twitch)
Processing sketches with svg generation for plotting on the AxiDraw pen plotter
#人脸识别#Quick project to process a picture and print with AxiDraw !
SVG graphics library and art scripts to draw with a pen plotter.