Powerful, fast and robust engine for converting 3D models into g-code instructions for 3D printers. It is part of the larger open source project Cura.
翻译 - CuraEngine是一个强大,快速且强大的引擎,用于将3D模型处理为Ultimaker和其他基于GCode的3D打印机的3D打印指令。它是大型开源项目“ Cura”的一部分。
Generic Klipper configuration for 3D printers
A GCode sender (not only for lasers or plotters) for up to two GRBL controller. SVG, DXF, HPGL import. 6 axis DRO.
Online G-Code simulator, controller code for STM32F4-Discovery and google chrome extension to send the code to it.
This is an experimental slicer for 3d printing written in Go also usable as modular slicing lib.
Blender CNC Add on - nCNC - G code visualizer, g code converter, g code sender, CNC Milling
Javascript app to process a PCB image and output G-code suitable for laser engraver or similar machine. To reduce tool time, by default, the board traces are Voronoi Tesselated, though this is optiona...
gcode extension for vpype
OpenPythonSCAD library for moving a tool in lines and arcs so as to model how a part would be cut using G-Code or described as a DXF.
Simple engraving tool, compose scene with images and labels, create gcode and send it to your engraver.
Detects the edges of an image and converts them to 2D gcode that can be printed by a plotter
An FDM slicer designed specifically for three.js
A web based STL to Gcode slicer for ArozOS
Compiles ASCII text into 2D gcode that can be printed by a plotter
Curved Layer Fused Filament Fabrication (CLFFF) Algorithm that produces G-Code with normal vectors for 5 axis 3d printing. Uses variable layer height.
This is the repo for pcb-gcode, a plugin for the Eagle schematic and board layout program. This plugin allows you to make printed circuit boards without chemicals using a router or milling machine.
A matlab project of "FDM_3D_Printing_Slice_Program"
Easy and simple to use gcode generator written in python, GCode generation with Python