Powerful, fast and robust engine for converting 3D models into g-code instructions for 3D printers. It is part of the larger open source project Cura.
翻译 - CuraEngine是一个强大,快速且强大的引擎,用于将3D模型处理为Ultimaker和其他基于GCode的3D打印机的3D打印指令。它是大型开源项目“ Cura”的一部分。
Cura plugin which enables printing directly to OctoPrint and monitoring the process
A Python framework for building Desktop applications.
Ultimaker Cura 2 Mooraker Upload Plugin
Base repo for AnkerMake M5 configurations for Cura and PrusaSlicer.
Communication library between internal components for Ultimaker software
Cura plugin which wraps ArcWelderLib to convert multiple G0/G1 moves to G2/G3 arcs.
Conic slicer utilizing planar slicers for 4-axis Rotating Tilted Nozzle (RTN) 3D printers
Cura plugin which enables you to add 6 types of custom supports. It was originaly based on the Support Eraser plugin code of Ultimaker BV. But instead of creating a cube "anti_overhang_mesh", this plu...
Dremel Idea Builder plugin for Cura version 3.x and onward. This plugin enables the user to use the Dremel Ideabuilder 3D20, 3D40, and 3D45 printers and use Cura to export the proprietary .g3drem fil...