An open source engine for your digital products. Sell SaaS and digital products in minutes.
One-click Bitcoin Lightning networks for local app development & testing
A GCode sender (not only for lasers or plotters) for up to two GRBL controller. SVG, DXF, HPGL import. 6 axis DRO.
Fast multi-thread FEC simulator & library of efficient digital communication algorithms for SDR.
A multipurpose, 2 linear, 1 rotary axis cnc machine concept
A Library for processing GPX, TCX, FIT and JSON files from services such as Strava, Movescount, Garmin, Polar etc
FEC Codec IP core library for a some famous codes (BCH, RS, LDPC, Turbo)
A BLE Heart Rate Monitor bridge for Social VR, OBS, Data Logging, and more!
Verilog Forward Error Correction Archive: BOX-Muller for fast AWGN generation, Universal Demapper from BPSK to QAM-512, different Forward Error Correction coders and decoders Hamming code, Golay code ...
Helpful tools for polar researchers
Reusable C++ coding-related code library
C++, CUDA, and MATLAB codes for the paper "An Exact and Fast Computation of Discrete Fourier Transform for Polar and Spherical Grid"
Python package that converts between polar and cartesian domain (in images too).