Verilog Forward Error Correction Archive: BOX-Muller for fast AWGN generation, Universal Demapper from BPSK to QAM-512, different Forward Error Correction coders and decoders Hamming code, Golay code ...
A demo helps you have a quick start to Tencent Cloud Mesh 🚀
These are my personal notes, created during a online course from TCM Security.
Learn the practical side of ethical hacking with our 25-hour course designed for hands-on learning 🖥️💻. Master essential tools and techniques, from information gathering and exploitation to post-exp...
A Project for National Information Security Competition for College Students
Test case meta - a Python 3 metaclass for generating test case methods from sample methods and tables of arguments
TCM1680 ( tc1126 ) touch screen driver for allwinner linux 3.4 kernel (lichee) for A23 A33 A31 SoCs
醫道探微 - 這裡記錄了我個人在中醫世界的學習旅程,包括學習筆記、對陰陽、五行和經絡理論等關鍵概念的反思以及對草藥療法、針灸、拔罐、刮痧等其他中醫模式的探索。這是一個分享知識、促進討論和加深對這一引人入勝且複雜的醫學體系的理解的空間。
A simple test case manager and runner for automated api testing. Mirror repo of nap-tcm
A Test Scheduler based on TCM Solution which could be used for Test Scheduling on distributed environment
A Python package for converting texts into embeddings using TCM pretrained transformer models.
Help user to resort all the ingredients of herbs used for prescription, list up with pinyin, thus, non Chinese speaker could read the name and fetch the herbs easily and effectively.
💾 Projeto desenvolvido para trabalho de conclusão de curso (TCM).