A Kubernetes controller to watch changes in ConfigMap and Secrets and do rolling upgrades on Pods with their associated Deployment, StatefulSet, DaemonSet and DeploymentConfig – [✩Star] if you're usin...
翻译 - Kubernetes控制器可以监视ConfigMap和Secrets中的更改,并在Pods上使用与其关联的Deployment,StatefulSet,DaemonSet和DeploymentConfig – [✩Star](如果使用)进行滚动升级!
This repo covers Kubernetes with LABs: Kubectl, Pod, Deployment, Service, PV, PVC, Rollout, Multicontainer, Daemonset, Taint-Toleration, Job, Ingress, Kubeadm, Helm, etc.
翻译 - 这个 repo 涵盖了带有 LAB 的 Kubernetes 环境:Kubectl、Pod、Deployment、Service、ConfigMap、ReplicaSet、PV、PVC、Secret 等。
The blazingly fast, resource efficient log collection client
Youtube eğitim Kanalımda kullandığım belgeler.
Example roles and yaml files for performance-sensitive applications running on OpenShift
Podloxx is a leight-weight Kubernetes traffic monitoring tool to identify external and internal traffic in a cluster.
Helps you resize pods created by a DaemonSet depending on the amount of allocatable resources present on the node.
Configurable controller & daemonset for gracefully terminating nodes.
Accessing CIFS/SMB Share on Kubernetes Using FlexVolumes
A example of how to use a DaemonSet to install software onto EKS Managed Worker Nodes
here are some k8s manifest files that I wrote in the k8s learning journey
A kubernetes daemonset for cadvisor which exposes a web interface on every node.
Easily deployable daemonset which moves logs from falco with filebeat.
Docker container for the Intel® SGX Application Enclave Services Manager process, The aesmd is part of the Intel Software Guard Extensions software or Intel® Software Guard Extensions Platform from In...
Configure Fluent Bit to run inside Kubernetes cluster to send logs to Loggly
A GitHub template repository with the scaffolding for eBPF programs that are run on a Kubernetes cluster nodes.