Meshery, the cloud native manager
翻译 - Meshery,服务网格管理平面
KubeVela 是一个现代化的软件交付平台,它可以让你的应用交付在当今流行的混合、多云环境中变得更加简单、高效、可靠。
🐻 The multi-zone service mesh for containers, Kubernetes and VMs. Built with Envoy. CNCF Sandbox Project.
翻译 - Universal通用服务网格
Kubernetes Control Plane Virtual IP and Load-Balancer
Cloud-native application life-cycle orchestration. Keptn automates your SLO-driven multi-stage delivery and operations & remediation of your applications.
翻译 - Keptn是消息驱动的控制面板,用于应用程序交付和自动化操作
KubeVPN offers a Cloud Native Dev Environment that connects to kubernetes cluster network.
Orb is a dynamic network observability platform with agent fleet orchestration and data pipelines with OpenTelemetry
The Dubbo Kubernetes integration.
Common microservices framework for Meshery components
Enterprise-grade @crossplane from @upbound
Envoy Control is a platform-agnostic, production-ready Control Plane for Service Mesh based on Envoy Proxy.
HaProxy Connector for Consul Connect. Enables Service Mesh with Consul and HaProxy using TLS and Consul Discovery
Meshery adapter for Linkerd
Lightweight, CRD based envoy control plane for kubernetes