Cloud-native application life-cycle orchestration. Keptn automates your SLO-driven multi-stage delivery and operations & remediation of your applications.
翻译 - Keptn是消息驱动的控制面板,用于应用程序交付和自动化操作
Toolkit for cloud-native application lifecycle management
Keptn community content: governance, community management, project infrastructure etc.
Contains Keptn specifications: CloudEvents, Shipyard, Uniform, SLI/SLO, Remediation
Keptn integration to performance test your application using the Locust (acts as a replacement for JMeter Service)
GSoC 2022 Project: New Documentation Site Engine
This repository contains information about my work in the Google Summer of Code 2022. I participated with Keptn, and my project was on New Documentation Site Engine for Keptn.
Ansible-base operator that offers a comprehensive solution for managing Keptn projects within Kubernetes environments
Microservice web application that provides the processing logic of a passed in "perfspec" and start/end time frame. This service can be used as a software quality gate within continuous integration so...