Progressive Delivery for Kubernetes
翻译 - Kubernetes的渐进式交付
#Awesome#A curated list of awesome projects and resources related to Argo (a CNCF graduated project)
Kubernetes Operator for Argo Rollouts controller.
The Argo Rollouts plugin implementing the Kubernetes Gateway API specification for using different traffic providers in progressive delivery scenarios
Demonstration of complete, fully-featured CI/CD and cloud automation for microservices, done with GCP/GKE
🏗️ GitOps Repository
Tutorial & Examples For Learning Argo Projects
The Argo Rollouts plugin implementing the Contour HTTPProxy traffic control in progressive delivery scenarios.
A collection of simplified and opinionated Helm charts for the Argo and Argo ecosystem projects.
A sample project showcasing various Canary Deployment solutions.
DevOps Cloud-native CI/CD GitOps with Tekton & ArgoCD.
The goal is to implement a comprehensive CI/CD pipeline using the Argo stack, which includes the integration of Argo CD, Argo Rollouts, Argo Workflows, and Argo Events.
Example with Canary deployments for Argo Rollouts and Prometheus
An all-in-one Progressive Delivery demo that installs gitops, service mesh, argo rollouts and a sample app on Openshift
Example of CI-CD using kubernetes and git
Example Repos for Argo-Rollouts
DevOps with Kubernetes course exercises
Experimenting with Progressive delivery approach in Kubernetes by using Argo Rollouts controller