面向IP摄像头具有实时本地物体检测功能的 NVR
#人脸识别#Self-hosted, local only NVR and AI Computer Vision software. With features such as object detection, motion detection, face recognition and more, it gives you the power to keep an eye on your home, o...
#计算机科学#Minimal-dependency Yolov5 and Yolov8 export and inference demonstration for the Google Coral EdgeTPU
Community gathering point for Google Coral dev board and dongle knowledge.
Cat with prey detection on Raspberry Pi. Lock cat pet flap if prey is detected. Object detection implemented in TFLite with ImageNet v1 SSD. Inference on EdgeTPU (Google Coral USB). Stores images on A...
Advanced driver-assistance system with Google Coral Edge TPU Dev Board / USB Accelerator, Intel Movidius NCS (neural compute stick), Myriad 2/X VPU, Gyrfalcon 2801 Neural Accelerator, NVIDIA Jetson N...
Low-cost robot arm powered by computer vision and artificial intelligence
Use the Google Coral USB Accelerator for deep learning.
The products,docs,resources,software,tools,scripts,models,demos
Coral Edge TPU compilable version of DeepLab V3
#计算机科学#TPU accelerated traffic lane segmentation engine for your Raspberry Pi
Small Python script to feed data from the Google Coral Environment Sensors Board into an InfluxDB timeseries database - hosted on a Raspberry Pi.
TensorFlow Lite & Coral TPU: C++ examples on Raspberry Pi Zero W
Environmental sensor datalogging for Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and Google Coral based sensor pods.
Command line tool for capturing video with the Google Coral EdgeTPU camera module. Akin to raspivid for the Raspberry Pi.
#计算机科学#Detect herons and trigger an alarm
#计算机科学#Raspberry Pi camera robot for indoor surveilance with QR-based navigation and aided AI processing
[RA-L 2022] Hardware-accelerated Mars Sample Localization via deep transfer learning from photorealistic simulations