#滚动#通过调用本库可轻易创建全屏滚动网站(也称为单页网站)。 本库可创建全屏滚动网站,同时也可在网站中添加横向滚动条
#安卓#The basic library of Android player will process complex business components. The access is simple。Android播放器基础库,专注于播放视图组件的高复用性和组件间的低耦合,轻松处理复杂业务。
Official Vue.js wrapper for fullPage.js http://alvarotrigo.com/vue-fullpage/
一个支持自定义UI布局,流式API, 加密,直播 ,亮度,音量,快进等手势 ,广告视频预览,多种加载模式 ,多种分辨率切换 ,多种封面图, 自定义数据源,列表播放,倍数播放,边播变缓存<font color="red">不是使用AndroidVideoCache</font>,离线播放,神奇的播放器
Help you pop up custom views easily. and support pop-up animation, layout position, mask effect and gesture interaction etc.
Fixes compatibility issues with older games running on Windows 10/11 by wrapping DirectX dlls. Also allows loading custom libraries with the file extension .asi into game processes.
Official React.js wrapper for fullPage.js https://alvarotrigo.com/react-fullpage/
A better Android VideoView with more Media Controller customization. 一个更好用的Android VideoView
🖼️ Wall panel mode and photo screensaver for your Home Assistant Dashboards
#IOS#A snappy image viewer with zoom and interactive dismissal transition.
#安卓#out of the box android video player(support lazy load, ListView/RecyclerView and hight performance)
🖼️ A JS plugin to view images just like in Windows.
Fullscreen pop gesture. OC&Swift. It is very suitable for the application of the video player. Support `cocoapods`. 只需`pod`即可自带全屏返回手势. 支持pod. 支持OC&Swift.
PostCSS plugin to solve the popular problem when 100vh doesn’t fit the mobile browser screen.
#安卓#Cookbook of multiple feature for Exoplayer
This module implements a volumetric light scattering effect(godrays)
A React component for viewing large images up close 🔍
Official Angular wrapper for fullPage.js https://alvarotrigo.com/angular-fullpage/
On-screen display for Voicemeeter that works with fullscreen apps.