🏆 Swiper component for @vuejs
翻译 - @ @vuejs的Swiper组件
🎒Vue.js 初步进阶案例,路由懒加载,进入页面前登录判断,返回导航判断,RestAPI接口使用,组件封装,Vuex状态封装,keep-alive页面缓存等功能
🍱 Nuxt.js with TypeScript and Run with docker and docker-compose 🐶🦄🔥 visit: https://typescript-nuxtjs-boilerplate.netlify.com/example
Deprecated: 🍱 Nuxt.js with TypeScript and Run with docker and docker-compose
A frontend website, implemented with Nuxt and Vue.js, and mostly written in Typescript. Most of the components are written on class component syntax. Also, The site is served by an NGINX web proxy.
This repo is for Vuejs Design Template inspired by Farhan Rizvi
Vue2.x 仿照去哪儿买票的移动端 Demo
Testing multiple vue-awesome-swiper instances on the same Nuxt.js page
Image browser based on Nuxt.js