#新手入门#为 CTO 准备的资源精选,特别是初创公司。内容包括职业规划、人事管理,技术文档。
#算法刷题#EPI Judge - Preview Release
翻译 - EPI评审-预览版
💼 Your own AI-powered voice interviewer for hiring.
#面试#A job guide to help developers get through interviews and get amazing jobs!
#面试#Un listado de preguntas y respuestas que hemos y nos han preguntado en entrevistas para Ingenieros y Desarrolladores de Front End (Para facilitar las entrevistas y el estudio)
#面试#A path to getting an awesome tech gig 💼
#面试#🔴 TypeScript Interview Questions and Answered to prepare for your next Web/Angular developer interview
The ultimate in python interview preparation and coding practice.
#面试# Cracking the Coding Interview (CTCI) Javascript Solutions with Tests
#面试#Assorted questions to ask during the interview process
#面试#My Google Interview Experience
#面试#Answer the questions and achieve your goals !!
Software Engineering Unlocked Podcast
Selected CodeEval solutions. Written in Python, C++, Java, and Go. Solutions ranked in the top 10 on the platform.
#面试#Lots of algorithm's & their implementations that have been compiled from a variety of locations.
#面试# A combined list of ServiceNow interview questions. Feel free to contribute! 🎓
#算法刷题#Repository filled with my interview solutions
Process documentation and rationale for implementing the flipped interview model
A simple tool to provide a shared coding pad(over the internet) .... presumably for interviews