#面试#❔❓❔ Notes from technical (javascript) interviews. Tasks and quiz for different topics to discuss on interview / check self skills in javascript
#面试#Здесь собраны самые популярные вопросы, задаваемые на русскоязычных собеседованиях разработчика React.js, и ответы на них. Тематика вопросов включает в себя как основы JavaScript и веб-технологий так ...
#面试#🎓 Data structures and algorithms
#算法刷题#Write code that run faster, use less memory and prepare for your Job Interview
What financial info would I have wanted to know when I was 22 and jumping into tech?
#前端开发#🌈 :unicorn: this repository is a interview process guide for developers (web/frontend focused)
翻译 - 🌈 :unicorn: 这个存储库是面向开发人员的面试过程指南(专注于 Web/前端)
#面试#A job guide to help developers get through interviews and get amazing jobs!
#面试#Data Structures and Algorithms, Low level design, High level design Notes, Mind maps, Cheatsheets
#面试#🏢 List of questions I might ask during an interview for a software developer job
Repository for my tutorial course: Mastering Web Developer Interview Code on LinkedIn Learning and Lynda.com.
#新手入门#A complete roadmap and resources for competitive programming for placement purpose.
A programming job interview questions that test the understanding of basic principles and patterns
#大语言模型#Practice your job interview skills with AI-powered voice interviews, featuring real-time feedback and dynamic questions
#面试#Collection of my notes to break into the industry as a Backend Developer in Python Stack
#面试#A curated list of all essential job interview preparation materials.
#面试#your ticket to the dev world
#面试#It will be contain many algorithms about js for job interviews.