#前端开发#📝 Front-end Guideline by Juntos Somos Mais
翻译 - 📝 前端指南 by Together We Are More
Gang of Four (GOF) design patterns implemented in Dart. Contributions welcome!
Design Microservices Architecture with Patterns & Principles. Design Microservices Architecture with Design Patterns, Principles and the Best Practices. How to handle millions of request with designi...
😎A Hacktoberfest-2021 Contribution Repository For Beginners😎... Build Any Pattern You Like...In Any Language❤❤❤
minimal magic, minimal tooling, essential dependencies, high productivity, no transpilations and no migrations. The Web Components starter ships with integrated lit-html, redux-toolkit and vaadin rout...
A programming job interview questions that test the understanding of basic principles and patterns
Кодовая база примеров паттернов проектирования по курсу "Технологии программирования"
An implementation of the SAGA pattern using event driven architecture, created within a single nodejs process.
esempi del libro Design Pattern Schemi di progettazione del software orientato agli oggetti
Design Patterns, PHP 8, Abstract Factory, Adapter, Builder, Chain of Responsibility, Command, Composite, Decorator, Dependency Injection, Facade, Factory Method, Mediator, Mock Object, Observer, Proxy...
讲解JS设计模式、渲染模式、性能模式相关主题,提升你的 web 应用架构能力,转译自 https://www.patterns.dev/posts/introduction/
#算法刷题#This repo is for the purpose of studying Go. Includes another solutions to the tasks.
🏆 Kotlin4You Design patterns
Object Oriented Design Principles and Design Patterns
Proyecto de Arquitectura de Software -Arquitectura: 3 Capas - Patrones de Diseño
⚛ An interactive application written in React designed to explain software design patterns with JavaScript ES6 [work in progress].
🏆 Spark4You Design patterns
#安卓#🏆 Android4You Design patterns